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New draw-wire sensors with larger measuring ranges and CANopen interface

Seilzugsensoren von Micro-Epsilon

Draw-wire displacement sensors from Micro-Epsilon are used successfully in various industries. One of the most important industries is mobile machinery. The MK88 and K100 series are ideal for installation in supports and booms of telescopic cranes, where measuring ranges of up to 8 m are usually required. With extended measuring ranges of 6 to 8 m, these sensors can now be used even more flexibly in these and other applications. They also have a modern CANopen connection. With an excellent price/performance ratio, they are also particularly attractive for series solutions.

K100 series

New, large measuring range with 8 m, Modern CANopen interface

MK88 series

New, large measuring range with 6 m, Modern CANopen interface