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New precision class for laser displacement sensors: optoNCDT 5500

With the new optoNCDT 5500, Micro-Epsilon presents a new generation of laser displacement sensors that are particularly versatile and powerful. The series is available in four different measuring ranges of 10, 25, 100 and 200 mm, with a standard and an extended measuring range available for each model. The optoNCDT 5500 is designed for displacement measurement of diffuse reflective materials and easily handles challenging measurement tasks - especially on quickly changing and poorly reflecting surfaces.

Impressing with an adjustable measuring rate up to 75 kHz and low power consumption of maximum 5 W, the optoNCDT 5500 is particularly energy-efficient. Its high precision is characterized by a linearity of 0.015 % and a repeatability of less than 0.0015 %, making it the first choice for challenging industrial applications.

For harsh applications, the sensor is protected to IP67 and can be used in extreme industrial environments. The RS422 and Ethernet interfaces as well as drag-chain-compatible extension and adapter cables ensure flexible and reliable data transmission.

Advanced Surface Compensation with innovative algorithms enables the exposure time to be adjusted so quickly that stable measurement results are achieved even on challenging surfaces with changing reflections. In addition, the optoNCDT 5500 is extremely resistant to ambient light and can easily be used even in environments with up to 50,000 lux.

Due to its compact design, the sensor is also suitable for tight installation situations. Typical applications include the assembly of printed circuit boards, position testing of components, wear testing on rails in rail transport or thickness measurement in tire production.

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